Monday, October 15, 2012

Money matters!

IT Refund status:

How to become RICH-
"I will tell you how to become rich. 
Close the doors. 
Be fearful when others are greedy. 
Be greedy when others are fearful."

Ten Commandments for Trading
 Be realistic. Make trading price dependent, no opinion dependent
 Trading is a full-time profession, not a part time job. It cannot be half-hearted
 Know the rules and verify them for they may not to what you assume
 Never aspire to be the market’s master. It’s best to be its slave.
 Leverage your skills, not your capital
 Have a broad idea of direction. Remember, trend is your friend
 Don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Only ensure you make one that you can afford so that you may love to make another
 Play Seen’, not Blind’ for the market offers many opportunity even after the cards are open
 Know what and how much to risk. Assess risk
 Take a loss. The first loss is the best loss. Pyramid your profit
 Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment. Trading can only be learnt, it can’t be taught

Ten Commandments for Investment
 Be an optimist: the necessary quality for investing success
 Expect a realistic return. Balance fear and greed
 Invest on broad parameters and the larger picture. Make it an act of wisdom, not intelligence
 Caveat emptor. Never forget this four letter word: R-l-S-K
 Be disciplined. Have a game plan
 Be flexible for investing is always in the realm of possibilities
 Contrarian investing: not a rule, not ruled out
 It’s important what you buy, it’s more important at what price you buy
 Have conviction, be patient. Your patience may be tested but your conviction will be rewarded
 Make exit an independent decision, not driven by profit or loss